Objective: The objective of this assignment is to conduct research on public war

The objective of this assignment is to conduct research on public warehousing and provide recommendations to the Fishy Foods partners on the possibilities of a public space in Broward County.
Assume that you are the warehouse manager of Fishy Foods, an importer of canned salmon from Chile, South America. Fishy Foods is a startup company that will be receiving simultaneously two twenty-foot (TEU) containers per month, every month. Each unit has a CIF value of $35,000 US dollars. Each unit TEU will bring 20 one-ton pallets for a total each month of 40 pallets. Each pallet will weigh about one ton and be on standard-size pallets and only about 40 inches high. The sales team at Fishy Foods is guaranteed to sell out all of the product each month before the other units arrive. The sales department already has some 60 pre-orders which range from two cases to half pallets. You want to be located wisely for distribution to retailers in Broward County. Since this is a startup, the partners have decided to rent warehouse space in a full-service public warehouse.
Conduct research to find at least two potential spaces that offer services for off unloading the containers, racking the product, and dispatching loose boxes into your delivery trucks, which are small delivery vans.
Retrieve as much information as possible about the spaces, including the charges for complete service, time of service, and insurance coverage.
Your research paper should be 700 words in length.
The research paper should be written in APA format, including a title page, running head, page numbers, in-text citations, and a reference page.
The research paper should include:
an introduction, body, and conclusion.
at least two potential public warehousing options, including information about their services, charges, time of service, and insurance coverage.
include your recommendations on which public warehousing option would be the best fit for Fishy Foods.
be written in a professional manner and provide a clear and concise overview of your research results and recommendations.
The research paper should be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted.

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