NOTICE: This week our project is to build a “Contractor Calculator” for the Andr

NOTICE: This week our project is to build a “Contractor Calculator” for the Android platform. The graphic illustration in the textbook (p. 65) is incorrect for this project. The correct sample interface is found on page 193, Figure 10.27. Please use this figure as example of what your basic/initial “Contractor Caculator” interface should look like.
Create a project called ContractorCaculator – Android following Requirements : (see page 193, Figure 10.27)
Requirements: The view controller layout should contain two EditTexts (Labor, Material), one button (Calculate), and eight TextViews (labels/displays – SubTotal, Tax, Total).The initial/design screen should show no values for either EditTexts or TextView – this is app design only.
At least one other transaction view screen(s) shows this same design with inputs and displays.
When the “Calculate” button is pressed, the following should occur:Labor cost and material cost is added and the results displayed in a label next to SubTotal
Tax is calculated on the subtotal using a fixed 5% rate (use a constant) and results displayed in a label next to Tax
The tax and subtotal should be added together and displayed in a label next to Total
Deliverables for this Project:Copy of your code for your final/completed project – please submit this as either a Word doc or screenshot (10 pts)
One screenshot that shows a basic UI layout (ContractorCaculator Interface) – should look like the screenshot model in our textbook – p.193, Figure 10.27 (20 pts)
Another (different) screenshot that shows data input values for “Labor” and “Material” fields (10 pts)
Another (different) screenshot – a transaction view, that shows results when the “Calculate” button is pushed – I want to verify that your app produce correct Subtotal, Tax and Total results based on input values (30 pts)
Comment(s) stating what I should be aware when evaluating your deliverables (OPTIONAL)
Cover page is NOT required
NOTE: below is the attachment figure 10.27 for your reference for the project. I want you to cover all the requirements asked by the prof.

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