1. Reached for my phone within 15 minutes of my being a wake NO
2. Always had my smart phone by my side day and night YES
3. Can’t go one hour without checking my phone YES
4. Can’t go a half hour without checking my phone YES
5. Sleep with my smart phone on or near my bed YES
6. Could not live without my cell phone for a week YES
7. Checked my cell phone in the middle of a face- to- face conversation NO
8. Checked my cell phone in class or while I was working YES
9. Checked my cell phone while watching TV or driving YES
10. Texted while driving NO
write an essay that discusses the following items:
1.What is the primary purpose of your cell phone use? Create a list in priority order (most to least) for the uses of your cell phone AND explain the purpose. For example; if you use your phone to surf the Internet, are you doing it because you are bored, shopping, or need directions?
2.When you use your cell phone to interact with other people do you: physically speak to people, text, send/receive email, social media, skype/video chat? Explain why you choose this method of communication rather than face to face interaction?
3. What did you learn about your behavior? Were there any surprises? Do you feel you have control over your cell phone use ? Is there anything you plan to change? How do you plan on doing this?
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