Name two of the examples that the text provides of what to look for when decidin

Name two of the examples that the text provides of what to look for when deciding if there is bias in a source. Next, find an article on gun control in the Umass Global Virtual Library. According to the criteria for detecting bias in the Activity, do you think the article is biased? Why or why not? Please list your source in APA format.
Please use article- Does History Justify ‘Gun-Free’ Public Park Resources? (Kozlowski)
Article is not bias
2 examples in text are: Understanding the author’s intended purpose is important, since, if the intent is to sell, persuade or entertain, then the credibility of the source is questionable.
look for dramatic language and images, poorly supported evidence against an opposing viewpoint, or a strong leaning in one direction
At least 150 words

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