Leadership & change disc 1 What opportunities do you see as a result of the chan

Leadership & change disc 1
What opportunities do you see as a result of the changes in today’s global workforce? How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems? What approaches would you recommend and why?
Info tech & mobile disc 2:
Discussion Prompts:
People are using their mobile phone browsers more and more every day to find information about businesses, make product decisions and purchases, and even determine the quality of a business based on what they can find online. Providing an optimal mobile user interface (UI) and specialized mobile content for enterprise mobile apps can provide for great user experience and enhance the reputation of an organization. The Android Studio provides great features for designing layouts for mobile UI. To use these tools effectively, some minimum level programming skills with an object-oriented language is required of the developer as “development of a layout (UI) requires the use of both graphical editor and modification of the associated XML to get the exact desired design” (p.64).
Discuss why mobile application development is considered unique in comparison to other development.
Discuss what an “Activity” is and why its understanding is important in designing UIs for Android.
What Object-Oriented programming language is essential to effectively build UI (layouts) in Android Studio? Explain
What Object-Oriented programming language is essential to customize functions/behavior for UI elements in your Android layout? Explain
Discuss some interface (UI) principles (at least 4) that should be employed when designing mobile application
Disc 3: Human computer
After reading Chapter 3, which of the interaction types do you feel most influence interface design challenges? You are required to write a statement that is LIMITED to 250 words. This is an opinion question; therefore, research is not required. Should you cite the work of others, please provide the source of your opinion in APA format.
NOTE: below is the attachment for disc 3, chapter 3 for your reference, i need 250 words for each discussion, total 750 words, in text citations, in APA format & references are important too. Each discussion should have minimum 2 references, total 6 references.

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