It is important that you follow these instructions when completing your ADA assi

It is important that you follow these instructions when completing your ADA assignment to ensure that you receive full credit for your work. PLEASE NOTE; THAT YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT REQUIRED TO GO ANYWHERE, JUST MAKE IT BELIEVABLE THAT YOU DID. IGNORE THE WORD COUNT/PAGES BECAUSE YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL OUT THE FORMS I ATTACHED BELOW.
Choose a location to evaluate.
The location should be large enough and complex enough to contain most of the features on the checklist.
Good choices are state agencies or other government buildings, public libraries, university buildings, schools, hospitals, or other public locations.
Malls and shopping centers are also acceptable.
Individual homes are not acceptable.
Small businesses such as convenience stores are generally not acceptable because they are too small to contain enough features to evaluate.
Take a measuring tape (or at least a ruler) with you to your chosen location.
Evaluate the location, fill out the ADA Checklist, and make note of other important features of your location as you go. You do NOT need to take pictures.
It is possible that your location may not contain all of the features on the checklist, but it should be complex enough for you to answer all of the questions on the second part of the assignment.
Some single-story buildings won’t have elevators
Most public buildings no longer have public telephones
Complete the ADA Evaluation Report. Be sure to answer all of the questions to the best of your ability.
If any of the questions do not apply to your building, be sure to specify why.
Do not skip any questions.
Some questions ask for your opinion based on what you observed. On these questions be sure to fully explain your answers.
Take as much space as you need to answer the questions.
Review and answer the questions related to the case study.

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