Introduction:The brain follows these simple rules. A single neuron make up 1/86

Introduction:The brain follows these simple rules.
A single neuron make up 1/86 billionth of the brain (its tiny!).
A neuron does not work alone – it is makes a network with other neurons.
The whole network has different clusters, which are each dedicated to performing a special ability (brain regions)
These networks/regions are where the mind lives.
Now that I broke it down, I want you to break it down. Tell me about how some parts of the brain make the mind and behavior.
Instructions: Based on the Ch 3 readings or Media Extra TED talks:
Pick a part of the brain
Tell the class how the part you picked is connects to making a behavior happen (how it links to the planning and organization of behavior).
Example : Do choose a specific brain part/area from like a “neuron”, “glial cell”, “hypothalamus”, or “Cerebellum”, etc.
Don’t pick a general area – like Cerebrum or Forebrain- post something more specific like “Somatosensory area” or “Mirror neurons”

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