Instructions: After reading Turner & Maschi and Rosenthal & Levy, please choose

After reading Turner & Maschi and Rosenthal & Levy, please choose one article to critically examine the author’s theory. According to Gambrill and Gibbs (2009) critical thinking is a necessary component of professional practice that goes beyond an appraisal of the claims and arguments that may be embodied in a theory. It involves, for example, the use of specific standards in evaluating evidence and requires a fair and thorough critique of alterative views: critical thinkers “question what others take for granted” (Gambrill, 2004, p. 3).
“Theories are a basic tool in social work practice. They help us organize our thoughts, evaluate, and interpret the world around us, and explain and predict human behavior. Theories, however, develop in a social, cultural, and historical context. Despite the fact that they are scientific in nature, theories are a product of social construction and consequently contain ideological underpinnings. The underlying assumptions and biases inherent in theories often lead to explanations of human behavior that are reductionistic and deterministic.” (p. 24)
What specific aspects of human development and human relations do the theory address and emphasis? Consider social, cultural, and historical context when answering.
Do you identify any biases?
How consistent is the theory with social work values and ethics?
What are the theory’s philosophical underpinnings (ontology or epistemology)? Please elaborate.
How good is the theory in explaining or predicting behavior (deterministic or probabilistic)?
How is the author using the theory of choice to support her/his or their argument?
Please make this a strong critical-thinking response. Pick either one. I trust you.

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