Include only name and title on the header, this will appear on all pages, NO TIT

Include only name and title on the header, this will appear on all pages, NO TITLE PAGE, use paragraphs, min 2 pages double spaced (680 words) max 2 1/2 pages (860 words) 12 pt font
Citation method CHICAGO 17th edition
Case Study: Bracing for Heat
Questions that need to be answered
1. What case study did you choose and what is the location of your chosen case study
What issues is the are experiencing?
Why is this are experiencing the issues?
Who is being impacted?
What are the steps towards the mitigation?
What are steps toward adaptation?
Thinking geographically: What is the future of this area?
2. Thinking geographically Where id the US might we see similar consequences related to the issues presented in your chosen case study.
Would the same solutions work in another location? why or why not
Given the threats posed by global warning what are the most important steps you are willing to take now?

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