In this assignment, you will investigate one type of targeted attacks, how it ha

In this assignment, you will investigate one type of targeted attacks, how it happens and
identify countermeasures. The topics to be chosen based on your last name initials as
My topic is RANSOMWARE
Topic 3 Ransomware [last name starting M-R]
The report should be at least one page and no max page limit (including title, references;
single spaced; 12 pt font). Your paper should include at least two references from the
following sources:
a. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library
b. ACM Digital Library
1. Note on Using Wikipedia: Do not include Wikipedia as a reference.
Wikipedia and other online resources may be good places to start collecting
information, but do NOT include Wikipedia as your reference. Find original
sources of information and site them.
3. You can access to IEEE and ACM articles from off campus by accessing to and your netid/password
You must cite sources, any report not citing source of information properly will be
subject to 5-15 points deduction.
Check Turnitin® Similarity report, maximum 15% or less similarity will be accepted.
What to submit:
ONE report file that includes answers to above questions.

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