In this assignment, you will describe the values and philosophy of public health

In this assignment, you will describe the values and philosophy of public health, and differentiate public health from medical health care and personal health. You will also be introduced to various faculty members and Centers in UNLV’s School of Public Health.
You have now been introduced to Public Health through Module 1 readings, lectures, and assignments.
Read the material and watch the two videos on the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) “What is Public Health?” webpage.
Proceed to APHA’s 10 Essential Public Health Services webpage to review the 10 services that need to be delivered by a strong public health system to meet its three core functions: Assessment, Policy Development, and Assurance.
Keep these in mind as you peruse the School of Public Health’s Academic and Research Faculty 2020-2021 booklet.You may also choose to use this Researcher Database instead for more updated information
Using this information and what you have learned so far, address the following ideas in an essay, following all the guidelines for writing assignments, found below. You may use other sources, but be sure to include them, as well as the three references above, in your reference list. All of these sources should be cited after paraphrased sentences in your essay to give credit to the source.
For this assignment ONLY, we are providing the correctly formatted list of references for you to use. For all future assignments, you will need to do them independently.
Public Health Philosophy and Values: Describe the philosophy and values of public health in your own words. Consider using some or all of these keywords: “prevention”, “population-based”, “social justice”, and “holistic.”
Medical Health Care, Personal Health, and Public Health: Describe the differences between medical health care, personal health and public health. How are they interrelated?
School of Public Health (SOPH) Faculty: Briefly scan the biographies of the faculty within UNLV’s SOPH. Choose a faculty member with a research area that interests you and explain why you selected them. Which public health values and philosophies do you think guide this professor’s research? Describe which areas of the 10 Essential Health Services you think they mostly work on and explain your selections.
SOPH Centers, Laboratories, Programs and Initiatives: Briefly scan the descriptions of the Centers, Laboratories, Programs and Initiatives in the SOPH (starting on page 70). Identify the lab/center that you believe would have made a significant impact on your / your family’s / your community’s health as you were growing up. Describe which areas of the 10 Essential Health Services you think they mostly work on and explain your selections.
Grading Criteria
See attached rubric.
Guidelines for ALL Writing Assignments:As per UNLV second-year seminar requirements, this course has a heavy writing component. There are four essays (2 pages), two reflection papers about two non-fiction books (4 pages), and a final research paper (4 pages). You are expected to complete every one of these larger assignments and may receive a failing grade if more than 1 is not completed.
Use ESSAY format. No sub-headers or numbered paragraphs.
Use FORMAL writing, not casual as if you are chatting with a friend. No SLANG or Idioms.
Include a DISTINCT Introductory paragraph that tells the purpose of the paper and previews topics to be covered and a Concluding paragraph that summarizes.
DOUBLE SPACE, indent paragraphs 0.5inches, don’t leave extra space between paragraphs, 1 inch margins, size 12 font, either Times New Roman or Arial.
NO title page or Running Header required.
HEADER: 3 lines only, SINGLE-SPACED: Name, Date, Assignment title. Must show on every page; Use “insert header” in Word.
MEET or EXCEED minimum page length requirement. Consider going 1-2 lines onto the next page to be sure you do not lose points.
REFERENCES: Required. Must include all websites required for an assignment and any others you use, Must be academic. Separate page at the end. See APA Module.
IN-TEXT CITATIONS: Required in most paragraphs. NO quotations permitted for this class; Use paraphrasing with citation. See APA Module.
CHECK your Turnitin Similarity score, which should be 20% or less.
EDITING: Spelling, mechanics, word selection (correct use of words), and grammar count. Please proofread your paper carefully.

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