In no less than 150 words, do the following: First, introduce yourself by statin

In no less than 150 words, do the following:
First, introduce yourself by stating your name, your major, and something about yourself that you would like us to know. For example, are you an artist, musician, or content creator, from another country, speak another language, transferring from another college/university, or returning to college after taking time off, etc.?
Then, briefly discuss an issue (for example child custody, divorce, abortion, gay marriage, or any other issue) you think should be handled entirely by the court system. Explain the following:
Why the issue should be handled by the courts?
Why would another institution or system (for example religious institutions, mediation, arbitration, or other means) not be better suited to handle the issue you identified?
Your submission should comprise 2 paragraphs:
the first paragraph should address the information requested in paragraph 1
the second paragraph should address the information requested in paragraph 2
Double-space between each paragraph but do not number the paragraphs.
Response – In no less than 125 words each, respond to at least two other students.
Your response should engage students by expressing similarities or differences between yourselves and asking questions to further your understanding of their submissions.
Your response should not merely be “welcome to the class” or “it’s nice to meet you” or “what’s up” or “cool” or “dope” or “lit” or “Wow” or “your discussion is good” or any similar response, emoji, gif/giphy, or bitmoji. That said, remember to remain civil and abstain from using language that can be considered rude, insulting, derogatory, degrading, offensive, discriminatory, or inflammatory.

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