In each unit, you will be asked to learn about how you can use technology to org

In each unit, you will be asked to learn about how you can use technology to organize, display or analyze data. Microsoft Excel is a widely-used application for this purpose and is therefore the focus of our technology usage in this course. The project is open for the entirety of the unit and it is best to complete questions related to the chapter of study each week. You will learn how to perform the required tasks by visiting
To complete the project:
Ensure you have Excel on your device. See instructions in the initial announcement if you don’t.
Download the attached Excel file.
Save the file to your device with the file name “Last Name Unit 1 Project” (for instance, Brehm Unit 1 Project) somewhere you can easily find it.
Open the file and read the Instructions page for an overview of how to complete the project – you may click “Enable Editing” if the file opens in protected view.
Note the “Data Set” page which includes the data needed for several of the questions.

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