In a 1250- to 1375-word (5-page) “problem” paper, you will examine a problem fac

In a 1250- to 1375-word (5-page) “problem” paper, you will examine a problem facing American families, using one of the sociological theories presented in the readings. You will explore how this problem could be researched using sociological research methods. In conclusion, suggest what might help to solve or address this social problem in the future. Part 1 is meant to flesh out the problem, including details on the
– background, causes, changes historically to now. and a review of current research about the problem.
You will explore potential solutions in more depth in Part 2.
The social problem you choose could be drawn from the news or from one of the discussion forum posts.
Some examples of social problems impacting families are hunger/food insecurity. lack of affordable childcare, and domestic violence. However, this is not a comprehensive list, and there are many other problems from which you can choose.
You will conduct library research about your problem and, in the final paper, will draw from at least two outside sources and two sources from the course. Incorporate in-text citations throughout the paper and include a references page at the end. Cite all references using APA style formatting.
Your paper should use at least two sources from the course to:
1. Offer background about your social problem in the context of the course reading about marriage and the family.
2. Review current research about the problem and suggest what sociological research methods might be used to explore the problem in the future.

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