… Critique the Becky Hammon… Critique the Becky Hammon article:
Does it follow the information presented in class on feature
stories? Explain how or how not?
What are the key points in the article and what is the premise
of the story being told?
Provide thoughts and insights on the writing and story told. APA format
Featured story notes
• A Feature Story is a long length, in-depth piece that
focuses on elements of the subject away from the
game or activity the subject is known for.
* Brings out the personality of the subject
Helps the reader understand aspects of the subject they didn’t know about.
Different from the “event” story, which usually focuses on the short-term aspects.
Remember to include all the facts. If you are writing game stories, don’t forget things like team records,hometowns, and even scores.
Proofread, fact check, and proofread again.
Avoid the cliché. Avoid phrases we hear all the time.
Never bury the lead. Tell facts up front, give the details,and then tell them again in a nice writing package.
You are a writer, not a columnist. If you are writing a story to help promote an event or person, write about them. There is no need to add your opinion.

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