How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat Int

How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat
Welcome to the live by Intellipaat! In this session, we’ll be discussing how to start coding. If you’re a fresher or someone interested in getting into coding, this live is for you. We’ll cover various topics in this session, including:
Why learn coding
How to start coding
Which languages to start with
How to choose a project
Learning path
Various job opportunities
Let’s dive into the first topic.
Why Learn Coding?
There are various reasons why one would want to learn coding. Some may be interested in coding as a career path, while others may be curious about the field. Here are a few examples:
Wanting a high-paying job
Being interested in coding/programming
Adapting to changes in the market
It’s important to ask yourself why you want to learn coding because if you don’t have a clear motivation, you may lose interest when faced with errors or challenges.
How to Start Coding
The term “coding” can be overwhelming because computer science is a vast field. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Figure out what you want to do with coding (develop an application, make a bot, develop a website, etc.)
Learn the required languages and tools for your project
Learn the basics of the language and tools
Start with a simple project and gradually increase complexity
For example, if you’re interested in game development, start by making a simple game like Snake or Defender. If you’re interested in web development, start by creating a basic website where users can create accounts and post statuses.
Getting Started with Coding
If you’re interested in making a mobile app, it’s recommended to start with a simple app that tells the time. First, figure out what you want to do as a project, then choose the language and tools you’ll need. Popular languages include Python, C++, JavaScript, and libraries and tools like integrated development environments (IDEs) and compilers. For example, if you want to make a web application, you can use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create the front end, and Visual Studio Code as your IDE to write the JavaScript code. Learn the basics of the language, such as loops, if statements, variables, functions, and arrays, as well as the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Start with a simple project and gradually move to more complicated ones. Choose a language based on your project or interests. Python and JavaScript are good languages to start with, as they have easy-to-learn syntax and plenty of resources available. Python has many use cases, including software development, data science, and creating bots and scripts. If you need certification, there are courses available. If you’ve worked with other languages before, consider starting with those instead

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