Historically, despite being marginalized from the public sphere, women have been

Historically, despite being marginalized from the public sphere, women have been at the forefront of social movements, using sacred scripture to promote dialogue, justice, equality, and peace.
In this slideshow presentation, you will explore how women using their own interpretation (hermeneutics) of scripture, have called for and implemented social change. How does religion, both challenge and enable women to exercise their moral agency?
1. Choose a social movement of interest and highlight a woman’s profile OR a women-led organization to showcase how they have used religion to challenge a particular social issue and promote dialogue.
You may begin your research by focusing on ONE of the movements or ONE woman below. You can also propose your own! Create a (minimum) four-slide PowerPoint or
Google slide presentation with images, captions, & links. That does the following:
Describes the facts surrounding the issue
Identifies how women used religion to advance their cause
Explores both the points of view: the woman and their opponents, and
Advocates a position (weigh in with your perspective)
Share. If we have time, I may select a few presentations to share with the class. If your presentation is selected, I will ask your permission to post your slide show to our Canvas site for all to view.
However, since we are not presenting these slides orally, the slides you submit should include all the required information above.
Cite the sources you used. On a final slide (which does not count toward the 4 slide minimum), list the sources you used. Include source title, article title, article dates, & working hyperlinks if source is available online. You may use any citation format (APA, Chicago, MLA) but be consistent.

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