Hi all the documents needed is in the zip folder please read the instructions pd

Hi all the documents needed is in the zip folder please read the instructions pdf and write the asnwers on the rmd file attached, also keep in mind this instruction:
“Open the RMarkdown document with surfix
“.rmd” via RStudio. Click Knit to create a PDF document (remember to install the necessary packages
in your R). By removing the results=’hide’ and fig.keep=’none’ options in the code chunks, the code
outputs and the plots would display in the created file. For more information about the RStudio, refer to
the section Getting Started; about the RMarkdown, refer to the online tutorial and the online manual of
knitr by Yihui Xie from RStudio, Inc.
Please turn off the display of example code chunks (by specifying include=FALSE),
complete the exercise code chunks (remember to turn on the eval option), fill in
your name and create a PDF document, then print and submit it.”
This is in the instructions pdf but just pasting it here just in case.

Posted in R

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