Given the relatively recent changes in the economic and material conditions, soc

Given the relatively recent changes in the economic and material conditions, social structures ( family, education, religion, government ), and cultural norms and values. Do you think that gender and sexual identity are still problems in the U.S today ? Why or Why not? In other words, do women equal to men? Is men privileged in our modern societies? In what way? Do LGBTQ+ minority equal to the cisgender and heterosexual majority population? In which sectors of the society do you notice more gender and sexual inequalities?
You may which to talk about gender inequality from a global perspective (from your country of origin), or from your personal and subjective perspective if you experienced gender or sexual discrimination.
For a more robust work and analysis, support your argument with relevant examples, research findings, and Data.
N.B: You do not have to answer all the questions.

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