For the first milestone of your final paper, select a case study of a crime that

For the first milestone of your final paper, select a case study of a crime that is significant in nature, well documented, and identifies a substantive, current “real-world” issue being examined by modern criminology. For example, a local or national case that received popular press coverage. Your case should include information from law enforcement, courts, etc.
Write a two-page paper about your case that includes:
Information about the offender and the crime they are accused of/convicted of.
The circumstances of the crime, including a brief summary of the offense and the community in which it occurred.
The criminology issue that this case addresses.
Any relevant details that connect your case to the course content.
Keep in mind that for the final paper you will be applying what you have learned in the course to your case study, so ensure the case you select fits in well with what we are examining in class.

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