First, share your previous experiences of civic engagement, or volunteering. Des

First, share your previous experiences of civic engagement, or volunteering. Describe the identity groups and community that were supported by your efforts. How were they served? If you worked with a specific organization, be sure to mention them and give them some recognition. What types of experiences did you engage in? What did you get out of it? Do you recommend the experience to others?
Second, in preparation for the final project complete the following:
Choose a social issue from the list provided that is experienced in your community:Youth Engagement [Teens] – Urban Farms, Night-time Basketball clubs, Mentoring, Elder visits, Care-givers, LGBTQI Runaways/Homeless
General Community – Arts & Music, Food Deserts, Urban Food/Nutrition, Urban Farms, Environmental issues (fracking, drought, environmental racism, ‘not in my back yard’), Homelessness
Programs to support unique groups: Victims of Domestic Violence, Disabled Veterans, Veterans Families, Care Support for spouses of Disabled Veterans, Bullying, Race or Religion-related, LGBTQI- related, Single-parents
Build a defense of why this is an important social issue in your community (Tacoma, Washington) that needs addressing by completing the following steps:
Location: [examples] San Diego, Kern County, etc…
Number (n=)
Population (male):
Population (female)
Median Income
% of Population with College Degree
Your initial post should be at least 600 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

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