Find at least two credible sources to study the VW Diesel Scandal and read what

Find at least two credible sources to study the VW Diesel Scandal and read what this topic is about.
Discuss your understanding of this case from the software engineering
ethics viewpoint by referring to the IEEE-CS/ACM’s principles for ethics
and professional practices in software engineering.
Consider including in your post on your thoughts related to following questions (6 points):
What VW software engineers should have done to contribute to the good life for others in this case (1pt)
Who are the public’ to who the VW software engneers is obligated; (1pt)
Why the software engineers is obligated to protect the public (2pt),
How VW software engineers failed in this case (1pt), and
Why it’s important to discuss ethics in the software engineering field and in the digital world (1pt).
Your posting should contain at least 100 words;
2. List the two sources used in your research at the end of your post (2 points);

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