find a current article in popular media that relates to one of four health topic

find a current article in popular media that relates to one of four health topics: Mental health, Heart disease, Cancer, Infectious disease. These articles are not scholarly journal articles. These are popular media sources such as online or print news or magazine articles (ex: NY Times, Washington Post, NPR, Arizona Daily Star, even magazines like Vogue or Outside will work for this assignment). Remember you are looking for current events and stories, so that you can analyze the world you are currently living in using concepts from your health disparities course.
Read the article and discuss your thoughts and reflections on the article in two to three paragraphs (paragraphs should we made up of at least 4 – 5 sentences). Journal entries can be longer than this, but should not be shorter. You must discuss how the article relates to what you have learned in the course. This is an informal assignment that allows for you to discuss your thoughts on the course and current events in our world.
Although somewhat less formal than essays or other course writing assignments, journal entries should still construct a coherent narrative, use complete sentences, be grammatically correct, and be scholarly in tone. Below are some tips for writing a successful journal entry:
Read your chosen article carefully.
Take the time to reflect on this article:
What made you choose this article? What did you find interesting about it?
What health outcome does this article focus on?
What social group does this article focus on?
How does this connect to what you know about sociology?
How does this connect society and health?
What course readings does this remind you of?
How are health disparities discussed in this article?
How are these health disparities created and reproduced over time?
What is the driving force behind this health disparity (think about structural, societal, and historical forces)?
Does this article leave you with questions?
What are they?
Be sure to attach articles (you can do so with a screenshot, a link, or uploading a saved document).

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