ENC 1101 Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Instructions Step 1- This assignment cal

ENC 1101 Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Instructions
Step 1-
This assignment calls for you to read Martin Luther King’s piece titled, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”
Step 2-
Take notes from the actual piece itself and the PowerPoint review we will be discussing in class.
Step 3-
You will create a two-paragraph(6-8 sentences per paragraph)summary of this piece.
✓ Here you will mention the following: author’s name, date of publication, and the place where this piece takes place.
✓ Then you will mention the main/important points the author makes throughout the text.
✓ Make sure you mention why and how MLK was jailed and why did he needed to write this letter.
✓ What did the letter say?
Step 4-
You will create a two-paragraph (6-8 sentences per paragraph)analysis of this text.
Begin by selectingtwo rhetorical devices from the list below:
an ancient Greek word meaning “character,” is a rhetorical or written technique that appeals to an audience or reader’s ethics. Authors achieve ethos in their writing by demonstrating that they are a trustworthy source of accurate information.
or the appeal to emotion, means to persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel. Authors make deliberate word choices, use meaningful language, and use examples and stories that evoke emotion.
is a persuasive device that is used in writing and public speaking. It employs facts, figures, data, and other credible evidence to support an opinion, argument, or conclusion. These facts appeal to the audience’s sense of reason and reinforce the writer’s claims.
(Greek for “right time,” “season” or “opportunity”) • Refers to the “timeliness” of an argument. • Often, for an ad or an argument to be successful, it needs appropriate tone and. structure and come at the right time.
Step 5-
Using the selected rhetorical devices, you will analyze this text in the following manner:
A. Introduce rhetorical device #1- You will select/cite the first rhetorical device you are using.
B. Define rhetorical device #1- You can use the definitions which I have provided in Step 4.
C. Situate rhetorical device #1 within the assigned text- Here you will find evidence (in the form of a direct quote from the reading) of rhetorical device #1(its definition). This quote should be an example of, align with, or exemplary of rhetorical device #1.
• Citation Format:At the end of eachquote used, you will create an intext citation. Use the following format for each intext citation: “Dr. Pombo is the best English teacher in the universe.” (author’s last name, date of publication, page number) example- (Pombo, 2023, p.4).
D. Explain rhetorical device #1- You should write why this quote is important and how it is an example or exemplary of rhetorical device #.
E. Transition- Use a transitional sentence to introduce rhetorical device #2 and so on. Example: The following rhetorical device to be discussed is __________________.
F. Begin again- Begin the analysis process again for each rhetorical device used.
The following are the formatting issues that you must include:
✓ Use Times New Roman font, black #12
✓ Double spaced
✓ Indent the first line of each paragraph.
✓ A paragraph is 6-8 sentences in length.
✓ No use of contractions (use do not instead of don’t).
✓ Use 3rd person (No I think….)
Your assignment needs to be submitted on time. No Late Work will be accepted.

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