download the file at, based on whether you’re running windows, ma

download the file at, based on whether you’re running windows, mac, linux, etc. . Or, you can use the web-based file.
Then, open the stellarium user’s guide:
to help you through the steps of setting up stellarium for you to use when stargazing.
Make sure you’ve added the angle measure tool.
Answer the following questions about your use of Stellarium:
1. What constellations are the following objects located in?
the Sun:
2. Click on the following stars and record their absolute(abs) magnitude and distance from us in light years:
3. Reset the location of stellarium for Montreal, CA. Look North. How has the angle between polaris and the horizon changed? In Beaufort, Polaris is roughly 32 degrees up.
4. What is the distance in angular degrees between altair, vega, and deneb?
5. Set the date for March 2, 2023, at 6 pm. Look SW. How far are Jupiter and Venus separated?
6. Step the time backward and forward for ten days on either side of March 2. Describe the motions of Venus and Jupiter relative to one another.
7. Set the date to October 4th, 1957. What planets are in the sky 30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise?

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