Discussion Week 6 For this week’s discussion, you will be creating a Coaching Bi

Discussion Week 6
For this week’s discussion, you will be creating a Coaching Biomechanical Analysis Chart for use in your final project. The Discussion will be a Personal Journal type format where you will only be able to see your own post and comments from your Instructor. The purpose of this format is to provide a “checkup” on your Coaching Analysis Chart and to help you with any questions you may have regarding the final touches on the Analysis as a whole.
Based on the Week 6 reading assignments listed below, Design your personal Coaching Analysis Chart.
See the Text book: SPHE324-4 Bartlett, Roger. 2002. Sports Biomechanics : Reducing Injury and Improving Performance.
Part Two Chapter 5, Specifically 5.4 Kinesological analysis of Sports Movements (Starting at p.162) & 5.5 & 5.6 The Kinesological Analysis Form.
Part Two Chapter 8, Specifically 8.2 Technique Assessment Models and their Limitations in Feedback & Figure 8.6 Coaching Analysis Chart
Choose one of the lift videos from USA Weightlifting’s YouTube Channel and analyze the athlete using your created Coaching Analysis Chart. Video linked to post.
Within your post, Embed your Completed Coaching Analysis Chart into the discussion area. Include a descriiption of your chosen video and describe how you developed (the process of analysis you used to create and fill in) your Coaching Analysis Chart. Embedded CACs are to be of photos of your completed CAC. To produce the table that you will use within your CAC, you can use Word or Excel. Save your completed CAC as a PDF file, save the PDF as a photo or take a screen shot of the original. Keep your initial word or excel file so that you can adapt it. Embed your Photo within the discussion area. Do not simply save it as an attachment. It must be embedded for full credit.
Hint: You will use this (week 6’s) corrected CAC to develop a new Final Project Biomechanical CAC for your specific final project movement pattern analysis in your Week 7 Assignment and it will be filled in and completed in the Week 8 submission for both of your subjects.
Discussion Week 6 Rubric:
Criteria Total
Initial Coaching Biomechanical Analysis Chart post submitted by Wednesday at 11:59 PM. 15 Possible Points. 15/15
Video of movement linked. 5 Possible Points.
Coaching Analysis Chart embedded correctly within Discussion Post. 5 Possible Points.
Coaching Analysis Chart Initially completed with appropriate headings. 15 Possible Points.
Coaching Analysis Chart Initially completed with appropriate Analysis. 25 Possible Points.
Instructor Questions Responded to and Addressed by Monday of week 7. 35 Possible Points.
Total Points
Total Points 100

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