Discussion Topic: During this discussion, please choose one of the questions bel

Discussion Topic:
During this discussion, please choose one of the questions below and provide a response. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Wednesday and your reply to classmates is due Sunday.
Based on the historical events leading to the creation of the EPA and the current status of our country in terms of environmental health, do you think the EPA has been successful? Why or why not?
Rachel Carson brought a large change to the United States by helping ban the use of DDT. In today’s world, do you think she would have been as effective? Do you know of other cases where someone was able to change the popular opinion of the United States with regards to chemicals and environmental health? Give examples.
John Muir was a preservationist and wanted to protect nature from mankind. Do you think that his ideals still work in today’s world? Are the National Parks still protecting nature? Give examples.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is an influential scientist. In the video, he talks about science as proof of facts. The world also believed the world was flat for a long time. How do scientists prove they are not wrong? What is the process?
Response 1 heriberto :
1. I do believe the implementation of the EPA has been successful because the environment has approved as time has passed by. I read with the EPA formation, it has prevented 6 billion in greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere. It also mentioned it saved American consumers and businesses over 5 billion. I do think EPA has definitely made a huge impact within the economy. Especially, with electric vehicles becoming more efficient in todays society. It has been determined that dealership vehicle companies such as General Motors, Chevrolet, Ford, etc will need to implement electric vehicles by 2035. I think electric vehicles has definitely improved air quality. With that being said, I wonder what will happen with gas vehicles/gas stations because it affects the environment with air pollution. Since the EPA was enforced, it has helped tremendously with cleaner water, cleaner air, and the protection of land. I believe environmental health will continue to progress because researchers are implementing more efficient ways to improve the economy. Technology continues to expand with time, and that only helps the environment to insert new innovative ways on how to make the world a better and healthier place.
Response 2 Kristine :Great points! I think we can surely say the environment is in better condition than prior to the formation of the EPA because we no longer have rivers catching fire from pollution! The fact that we try to spread the actions of cleaning up and preventing pollution around the world further demonstrates the benefits of having created the EPA. Bringing up the creation of electric vehicles is a valid point. As long as we switch over from coal and natural gas energy production to renewable sources like wind and solar, we will truly make a difference. I am quite curious about how gas stations are decommissioned. I am also wondering if it will be mandated to switch to an electric vehicle at some point and how the government will address that. Will they have some sort of buyback program? Even if they bought back gas cars though it wouldn’t ensure being able to purchase an ev. I wonder how those issues will be addressed if that’s the direction we are headed in.

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