Discussion Topic: During this discussion, please choose one of the questions bel

Discussion Topic:
During this discussion, please choose one of the questions below and provide a response. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Wednesday. Your reply to classmates is due Sunday.
How did the industrial revolution impact our current regulations in the United States?
Is economic concerns for the country a reason to loosen occupational safety and health regulations? Why or why not?
Are unions productive for current labor issues? Are there any under-represented workers that would benefit from unions currently?
Response 1 hariberto : Are unions productive for current labor issues? Are there any under-represented workers that would benefit from unions currently?
I believe unions are productive when it comes to labor issues. I think unions have more resources at their disposal to implement a better work environment for employees. Unions work diligently behind the scenes to ensure employees have the best work place so that he/she can perform to the best of their abilities. I think unions in most cases have the best interest for whom they are protecting because essentially, that’s why the union is implemented. I read information that labors who have unions are more likely to have a better work environment and vital benefits in place, such as medical, dental, paid time off, holidays off, higher wages, etc. Then labors who are not represented by unions.
I read an arrival which stated union can stimulate the economy for low wage immigrant workers. Unions can provide more resources, such as benefits and higher wages when it comes to immigrant workers. It stated immigrants who were represented by unions had a 19% increase when it came to higher wages then immigrants who did not have a union. I believe immigrants are crucial when it comes to stimulating the economy, and they play a huge role in society. I believe all immigrants should have unions because it would enforce equality across the board, but I don’t believe that’s the case.
Response 2 Diego: How did the Industrial Revolution impact our current regulations in the United States?The Industrial Revolution was a major change to how things had been produced up until that point in the United States. With such a quick emergence of new machinery, there was little to no regulation on how these factories could operate. During this time working conditions were very bad and unsafe for workers, the deaths of many of the workers, and the massive increase in pollution of our air and rivers came at a cost and thus new regulations were put in place to keep from further harm. Labor Laws- Children at this time were prime candidates to hire at this time, they were able to be hired at a cheap price and were able to reach places that bigger-bodied adults could not. In 1904 the National Child Labor Committee was formed to try and combat child labor. Later on, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 would be passed that would regulate child labor at a national level. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/child-labor-in-america#:~:text=The%20Fair%20Labor%20Standards%20Act,wage%20and%20higher%20overtime%20payLinks to an external site..Fires and lack of preparation- Textile and cotton milling factories with heavy machinery were prime spots for a fire to start. These factories often had cotton dust littered throughout the factory not only polluting the air but being a breeding ground if a fire were to break out. I want to include a quote that I found during my research that depicts what the working conditions were in the factories at this time. “Fires were particularly hazardous for textile mills. Flammable lint and fabric dust hung heavy in the air, oil saturated the porous wooden floors, grease lubricated the machinery, and stacks of cloth, paper, wood, and coal lay all around. Workers often smoked. In the winter especially, when the air was dry, static electricity could build up in the fabrics, sometimes causing sparks to fly” Not only was it easy for a fire to break out many of these buildings did not have fire escapes and many of the buildings at this time were multi floor operations. Now there are fire regulations and strict labor codes enforced to not only prevent fires but also help employees evacuate buildings fast and safely. https://millmuseum.org/fires/Links to an external site.Water and Air pollution- With the emergence of coal and chemicals during this time it is easy to see the correlation with a major drop in air quality and the cleanliness of water. Factories would cover cities in soot and would directly dump chemicals into water bodies. This has since changed and we are much more aware of the damage this kind of pollution causes to humans and our environment. Laws have since been passed to regulate how companies dispose of waste and how air pollution is regulated.

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