Discussion Forum # 2 Chapter 12: Learning About Who Makes Up a Family and Fairn

Discussion Forum # 2
Chapter 12: Learning About Who Makes Up a Family and Fairness
Chapter 12 addresses all variations of family structures. The author begins by sharing statistics emphasizing that 50% of children in the United States will have experienced their parent’s separation, and half of them will witness a second marriage breakup during their lifetime, which may result in children most likely living in single-parent homes, blended families, grandparent’s homes, etc.  Although families come from a variety of family structures, the author mentions it does not reveal the way a family may function. Biases are usually generated according to family structures; however, it is important to keep in mind that in all families, love, joy, harmony, and discord are present.
In this discussion, you will reflect on what has been told to you in regard to family structures. You will analyze a common term society uses, and finally, you will share how you would support a child’s feelings of having two moms and two dads. 
Do you think that using the term “Broken Families” when referring to single families, transnational families, and blended families is the correct term to use? Why or why not?
Referring to the Video: Honey Maid Documentary: Not Broken. What was the message of the video? What were the boy’s feelings about having two moms and two fathers?
Honey Maid Documentary: #NotBroken

Honey Maid: #NotBroken Keys

Your  post must be two paragraphs in length (250 to 275 words), show your depth of understanding, and use your own words.

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