Disclaimer- Please do not accept this assignment if you do not have full access

Disclaimer- Please do not accept this assignment if you do not have full access to the book “Indian Buddhist Philosophy” by Amber D. Carpenter.
Response Prompt- The responses will have two components: (1) a three sentence summary of the reading that succinctly explains the author’s position and (2) a short (~150 words) reflection on the reading. This short reflection can be a question a that you have about the reading, a connection between the reading and some issue outside of class, or your evaluation of the author’s position(s). Please only use the book for the chapters and the attached reading for the first responsePlease provide responses to the following chapters
“Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta, Mahā-nidāna Sutta, and Milindapañha”- (Reading Attached). Carpenter, Chapter 2- “Practice and Theory of No-Self”
Carpenter, Chapter 3 “Klésas and Compassion” – This response must be between 300-500 words, both of the others follow the response prompt

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