Directions: Type in your answers below each question. The depth to which you ans

Directions: Type in your answers below each question. The depth to which you answer each question is up to you. However, remember this becomes your exam study guide. Once you have finished it, you must upload to Canvas by the specified due date on the syllabus.
1.List and explain the three ethical principles that guide researchers in designing their research projects.
2.Explain the purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
3.Explain what is informed consent. How does it differ when being obtained in quantitative research and qualitative research?
4.There are several ethical issues that arise when conducting social science research. Explain why each of the following topics are ethical issues to research.
a.Intentional Deception
b.Using Confederates
c.Physical and Psychological Harm
d.Anonymity and Confidentiality
e.Videotaping and Audiotaping
5.Explain what is debriefing participants and why it is important.

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