Dear writer please read carefully.
I have already given and oral presentation. However I will need my script to be edited as it is produced by AI services. As I’m not allowed to use AI services for my work. Can you please edit to look like more of a human writing?
I will attached my written script in the file section. And please read the requirements down below carefully.
30% (20% written; 10% participation)
Students work in small teams to prepare and deliver in-class debate presentations and written summaries of debates. Debaters should present key concepts from the relevant required reading. apply them to the topic, argue for or against the proposal and support their argument with concrete specific examples from media artefacts, production, or reception. Each student participates in one debate to be held in Weeks 3 to 7 and, for this purpose, prepares and delivers a short speech (3 minutes) and contributes to the written summary of the team’s position (300 words per student).
Diverse, Indigenous and multicultural communities should be considered when preparing debate contributions.
300 words (written) and 3 minute class debate presentation (live oral).
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