Create an MLA style heading for this assignment!!!
You may also go to the directory and enter Gaynor Walsh and then you will see the Syllabus for the class there too!!
Start by reading throughly the syllabus and write a list to refer to with about 10 items that you feel are important to understand and know!
Then proceed with writing 3-4 paragraphs that follow the prompt – directions. No two papers will be alike, so just relax as you reflect and write to complete this assignment.
Prompt: Create a well written original 2-3+ paragraphs that include all the items ( at least 10) that you feel are important to you as a learner and based on the syllabus as well as introduce yourself as a learner and writer.
For example, what academic subjects have you enjoyed and excelled at in the past ? Is this your first college class or have you been taking classes for awhile ? How did you discover Palm Beach State College and did someone recommend my class to you? Also be sure to include at least one very positive thing I need to know about you that you would like to share and /or are proud of !!
Finally, be sure to proof read your work and read it aloud to yourself to check for errors . Be sure your complete name is in your heading.
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce and understand the syllabus for the course and communicate how it impacts “you” the student. It also helps me to see your writing abilities as well as learn about you the student!! Enjoy the process!
Please put in Word.doc or a Word.docx and submit in CANVAS!!!
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