Create a design brief: Choose a company – can be a small business or large corpo

Create a design brief:
Choose a company – can be a small business or large corporation
Write out company profile (History, employees, organization’s purpose), design objectives (create your own), target audience, main competitors, product or service details, market or legal requirements (if you can find them), media type, design samples (thumbnails)
Reference chapter 4 of your textbook if you need help understanding these terms that make up a design brief
For design samples, you must have at least 3. At least 1 should be your own sketch and the other 2 could be examples of designs you like and found online. 1 of these can be a design from the company you chose, but the other must be from another company. It’s preferred to have both samples from another company.
Add your thumbnails to the document – either take a picture and insert it into the word doc – or design them online and then insert the picture
Create headers out of the sections above that you must discuss. Your answers beneath the headers can be in a bulleted list format. See the sample attached.

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