Citizen insecurity is a significant concern in a number of Latin American nation

Citizen insecurity is a significant concern in a number of Latin American nations. Based on the course readings to date, define and defend how you perceive the concept of citizen insecurity, and apply that definition to two Latin American nations. All citations must be referenced. This assignment consists of a 3-5 pages doubled spaced paper (not including cover page, attachments and bibliography), using Times New Roman 12 font. The School strongly prefers the use of the Turabian/University of Chicago citations and bibliography.CO-1: Analyze how geopolitical and historical factors affect divisions within what is called ‘Latin America’, and how the concept ‘security’ is defined
Did Not Attempt
Criterion Score
Defines and Defends Perception of Citizen Insecurity
30 points
Defines and defends his/her definition of citizen insecurity with extensive scholarly discussion and detail from readings and/or research.
25.5 points
Defines and defends his/her definition of citizen insecurity with some scholarly discussion and detail from readings and/or research.
22.5 points
Defines and defends his/her definition of citizen insecurity with gaps in the scholarly discussion and insufficient detail from readings and/or research.
19.5 points
Defines and defends his/her definition of citizen insecurity with major gaps in the scholarly discussion and little or no detail from readings and/or research.
0 points
Does not define citizen insecurity.
Score of Defines and Defends Perception of Citizen Insecurity,
/ 30
Applies to Country A
30 points
Applies to Country A with fully detailed support from readings and/or research.
25.5 points
Applies to Country A with some support from readings and/or research.
22.5 points
Applies to Country A with insufficient detail from readings and/or research.
19.5 points
Applies to Country A with little support or detail.
0 points
Does not apply to Country A.
Score of Applies to Country A,
/ 30
Applies to Country B
30 points
Applies to Country B with fully detailed support from readings and/or research.
25.5 points
Applies to Country B with some support from readings and/or research.
22.5 points
Applies to Country B with insufficient detail from readings and/or research.
19.5 points
Applies to Country B with little support or detail.
0 points
Does not apply to Country B.
Score of Applies to Country B,
/ 30
Writing Conventions
10 points
Student writes clearly with logical transitions/ organization; excellent grammar, syntax and sentence/ paragraph structure throughout. No or close to zero issues.
8.5 points
Quality writing overall, but issues with clarity, organization or writing mechanics.
7.5 points
Numerous issues with clarity, organization and/ or writing mechanics throughout; unpolished pape

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