chinses religion There are three reports, in any order, you must write 1 report,

chinses religion
There are three reports, in any order, you must write 1 report, create 1 ppt, and the 3rd report you may write a report or create a ppt.
The written essay will be 750-1,000 words written by individual only.
I am including a template for the report. It is formal but should be used to help with formatting. Chicago or Turabian format is used for History but you may use also choose MLA or APA. Turabian Template
The recorded presentation must be a 5-8-minute presentation. The ppt presentation should include more than just a talk. Images, sound, demonstrations, and activity are all encouraged for variety and interestMaximum of 2 encyclopedic sources allowed but not required.
No Wiki’s or Blogs!
No First Person allowed! See Unit 0 for writing expectations.
Your submission will be sent to Turnitin for a similarity report. Over 20% similarity will be docked points.
Here are some ideas to consider when starting and when editing
Keep in mind “Is this something I would find interesting if I read or watched it in class?”

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