Brand Exploratory The “Brand Exploratory” explains the consumer’s views of the a

Brand Exploratory
The “Brand Exploratory” explains the consumer’s views of the audited brand. Key to this document is:
Primary Research: An analysis of the relevant responses from your Week 5 primary research discussion with charts or graphs.
Secondary Research: The analysis of relevant consumer views on the Challenger Brand collected outside of the in-class survey and of competing products (in marketing, this is great to include this information when an industry has a dominant category leader).
Buyer Profiles: A profile of the primary buyer and secondary buyer (buyer personas) based on your primary and secondary target audience statements featuring their perceptions of many branding elements, such as product quality and variety, packaging, distribution, pricing, communication theme, brand heritage, etc. Demographics are essential, but your profiles should also include information about geographic factors (if these are important), lifestyle, and other psychographic factors. This document needs to communicate who makes the most purchases from the Challenger Brand.
Your overall goal is to provide the reader with a comprehensive view of why consumers will (or will not) purchase the brand you are auditing.
When you receive feedback on this weekly assignment, you should modify the document. The revised document can then be inserted into the final Brand Audit assignment due at the end of Week 7.

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