Background: Data from 289 Emory ICU patients was collected between March and Jun

Data from 289 Emory ICU patients was collected between March and June of 2020. All patients were COVID positive. We will focus on lab values.
You will create an commented R script that does the following:
Using pacman, load the tidyverse and rio packages
import the QCRC Data, specifically the Long_Labs sheet into a data frame called qcrc_labs
Create a new data frame called creat made by filtering filter the qcrc_labs data frame to only observation with a creatinine value over 1.5How many labs meet the criteria? (answer in your comments in your script)
Continuing with the same data (use a pipe) use the distinct function to count the number of unique patients in the creat datasetHow many patients do you get? (answer in your comments in your script)
Now, create a new data frame called hemo based off of qcrc_labs, lets understand how many patients have a hemoglobin value.Filter to non-missing hemoglobin labs remainWrite in the comments how many labs remain? (answer in your comments in your script)
Use the skimr package to answer the following:When using the qcrc_labs data frame:What is the mean and median hematocrit value?(answer in your comments in your script)
Using the hemo data frame:What is the mean and median hematocrit value?(answer in your comments in your script)
What is the difference in hematocrit before and after filtering?(answer in your comments in your scriptData:
The QCRC Data: QCRC_DeIdentified_Bios544.xlsxDownload QCRC_DeIdentified_Bios544.xlsxUse sheet: Long_LabsWhat to Turn In:
Your R Script showing each step. It should be well commented.

Posted in R

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