Attached are all the completed requirements needed to complete the executive spe

Attached are all the completed requirements needed to complete the executive speech:
– annotated bibliography
– Proposal Memo
– Audience
– Primary and secondary research
-Project scope
Draft Executive Speech Instructions
For these Senior Capstone Projects, the draft project package should include
introductory explanatory remarks in the discussion post
at least three discussion questions in the discussion post
a completed draft script of the speech
Identify the speaker, audience, and venue as part of the information in your discussion post’s introduction to your draft.
You will write and record a speech to be given by a specific speaker of your choosing, to a specific audience in a specific situation of your choice. The speaker must be a real person and the issue must be genuine. The speech should be a persuasive one that argues for a particular side of an issue or for a particular action to be taken.
Your recorded speech should include the following elements:
an introduction that establishes credibility for the speaker and contains an icebreaker as well as background information on the issue
a persuasive body—Emphasize at least three points that you want your audience to take with them when they leave. Remember, you are writing for the ear, and the ear will remember more if you stick to your points and discuss them in a variety of ways (allow about six minutes). You must decide how best to make a positive case for your position and how to address the main counterarguments or objections that you would anticipate.
a conclusion that summarizes your case and recommends future action (allow about two minutes)
The speech must be written for delivery hypothetically by a real person (not yourself) whom you have identified and researched to learn his or her views on your speech’s topic. It must be on an issue of importance and intended for delivery and an identified event and location to an audience you have researched for your project proposal.
Its written script must
begin with a Title Page
include an Introduction after title page that describes the intended speaker for the speech, the audience analysis, background information on the issue prompting the speech, and details on the event or situation for which speech would be delivered.
be double-spaced in any 16-point serif font
contain page numbers
reflect research from at least eight sources which have been cited in the script according to American Psychological Association documentation rules
contain a reference list formatted according to in-text APA-style citations from eight different authoritative and credible sources, of which no more than three should be peer-reviewed scholarly or professional journal articles relevant to the topic of the speech.
The client will decide whether to use the speech you have developed, based in part on how well you deliver it. Use good eye contact, pitch, pacing, and diction while presenting the speech. The speech should be between 9 and 10 minutes long, no less or more. Use the script timers in the Course Resources to help you with the length of your speech.

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