ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment you are going to create a PowerPoint Presentatio

For this assignment you are going to create a PowerPoint Presentation describing the 10/90 Rule; explain how it is used and why it has sound foundations in actual implementations. Be sure to include the following in your PowerPoint: Note: this assignment requires an audio component see below.

Required 5 to 7 slides in length (does not include the cover and references slides).

Choose an executive or business theme for the presentation.

You must use any or a combination of the following: images, photos, clipart, in your presentation to convey a point you are trying to make.

You must include audio to each slide to serve as your speaker notes. Explain each slide as if you were presenting to upper management in a presentation. (Note: Your presentation is more of a summary, while your audio presentation would be a detailed explanation of the slide. The purpose of a slide show is to provide the lecturer or presenter with a guide to their spoken presentation.) Include an audio component to each slide. Explain each slide as if you were presenting to upper management in a presentation in your own voice. (Note: The audio recording should not be a word-for-word spoken work of the written presentation. Presentations serve as a guide for the presenter.)

Use APA references and citation to support your content and points.

Include a references slide at the end of the presentation.

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