ASSIGNMENT: Reflection Essay DUE DATE: September 29 Choose one of the followin

ASSIGNMENT: Reflection Essay
DUE DATE: September 29
Choose one of the following sets of questions dealing with the assigned
readings, and provide a typed, 1-2 page answer. No late reflection essays
accepted. To receive full credit for a reflection essay, you must address the
assigned question; show that you have done the required reading; and it
must be at least one page long.
You are not required to use resources other than the assigned readings to
complete this assignment. However, if you choose to use other sources,
please cite them properly using either the MLA or APA citation style.
1. Chapter 5 of the assigned reading by Reynolds discusses ‘fake
news’ (pp. 205-6). How do you determine what is real and what is
fake news on the Internet? Focus your essay on a specific
example(s) of fake and/or real news. (Provide a URL for the report if
possible.) Explain how you can tell the example is either real or
2. In Chapter 2, your textbook’s author, Dr. Ess describes the EU’s legal
approach to personal data privacy as deontological, while the
American approach is utilitarian (pp. 69-70). Which of these two
philosophical foundations for privacy law do you think is preferable?
Explain your reasoning

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