As you watch all of the videos that are listed in the multimedia in the overview

As you watch all of the videos that are listed in the multimedia in the overview section, think about the implications for how the jobs of probation and parole impact the parolee, p/p officer, the community, and society in general. Consider the unintended consequences of supervising probationers/parolees in the community.
Estimated Time
You should spend approximately 8-10 hours on this task.
This is your final case analysis reflection paper to illustrate the effect of parole on society.
Pull together your ideas from your cases, the readings, and the final videos to complete a 3 page paper. In addition to the 3 pages, include a title page, and reference pages that includes all the references to support your claims.
Be sure to use APA format with your references. Need help with APA?
Research and discuss the following in your paper. Submit your final answers to the Module 5: Case Analysis Reflection Journal Dropbox.
Provide a summary of the effect of parole on society.
Identify the ethical implications for p/p officers dealing with this population. You may discuss the ethical struggles that you had with the case that you chose as well.
Discuss how to prepare to deal with the challenges of the job.
Identify the training, education, and background should these officers have.
Discuss a healthy and effective philosophy for these officers to keep in perspective.

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