*****ALL Instructions are on attached files Labeled :) PLEASE POST EACH ASSIGNME

*****ALL Instructions are on attached files Labeled 🙂 PLEASE POST EACH ASSIGNMENT IN ITS OWN DOCUMENT! ***
**M1 Diseases Caused by Misfolded Proteins – DUE 9.29 – 150 Words ***
****Lab Report Nomenclature – DUE 10.1 ***
***M2 Chirality of Biomolecules – DUE 10.15 – 150 WORDS ****
*** M2 Lab 1 – Molecular Stereochemistry – DUE 10.22 – Complete the Lab Report. No Purpose, Procedure, Conclusions. (The grade is 10 points for each molecule and 10 points for the Lab Questions)****
****M2 Organic Chemistry and Art – DUE 10.29 – 150 Words ***
***M3 Biofuels – DUE 11.19 – 150 Words ***
**M3 Green Chemistry – DUE 12.3 – 150 Words ***
***Reflections on Learning – 100 WORDS ***

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