After a surge in the spread of democratic governments in the 2nd half of the 20t

After a surge in the spread of democratic governments in the 2nd half of the 20th century, political scientists have noted a significant reduction in commitment to democracy, and a corresponding increase in ill-liberal regimes. This is known as competitive authoritarianism. For this paper, you will explore this phenomenon. Please do the following:
Read the two provided articles.
Introducing the topic. What is Competitive Authoritarianism (or electoral authoritarianism)?
Identify and discuss the elements of competitive authoritarianism.
Do the authors make any changes to their understanding of this concept from 2002 to 2020?
Discuss how a nation state might resist the pull towards competitive authoritarianism.
All papers must have****introductions and conclusions*****. Tell the reader what you plan to do in your paper, and write as if the reader has no prior knowledge of the subject.
Citations to sources are required.

All papers must be typewritten, with reasonable font sizes and margins (12pt maximum; 1-inch margins). Unless otherwise stated, papers should be at least 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced,
Papers are required to include introductions and conclusions. Assume when writing that the reader has no prior information on your topic — then you will explain and fulfill each prompt completely. Please review the grading rubric before submitting your paper.

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