4 page paper- APA 7 format – the article to write the review about is attached. Or you can pick another one on the same subject after I approve it.
In this Journal Article Review Assignment, you will submit a review and evaluation of a single article, relevant to your dissertation research interest, that has been published in the past five years in a peer-reviewed journal.
Ensure your article review focuses not just on what the author(s) found, but how they found it. How was the study designed? And was the design appropriate for the research question? Why or why not? Was there a better source or type of data that the scholars could have used instead of or in addition to the data they used in their article?
Your Journal Article Review Assignment should be presented in current APA format. It shoulD be at least four pages of content in length, not including your cover page
In this Journal Article Review Assignment, you will:
· Identify the research question or central thesis of the article
· Explain the method used to support the claims of the article
− State whether the method is quantitative or qualitative and give a brief explanation of the methodological approach.
− State what data is collected. (For example: Is it a public opinion poll? An analysis of historical budget data? A forecast of future COVID infections? An explanation of congressional voting patterns by ideology?)
· Explain and evaluate the conclusions drawn from the study
− Assess whether the conclusions drawn by the article’s authors seem sound based on the data they present.
− Identify any weaknesses or oversights of the article.
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