1.Your MNE is looking to evaluate the industrial capability of various locations

1.Your MNE is looking to evaluate the industrial capability of various locations worldwide. Based on readily available data concerning the potential and performance of different countries, the information you provide will drive future investment by your firm. Choose a country from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, and summarize your findings about each. Of the five countries from five continents, how would you rank them? Why?

2.ON ETHICS: Pick an MNE with FDI in at least 20 countries. It has lost money in some of these countries. As a consultant engaged by the firm, you need to recommend to management from which top three loss-making countries the MNE needs to withdraw (divest). You are aware that exiting a country would entail shutting down the subsidiary and laying off all the employees. According to what criteria can you name three countries to the list?

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