1. Use TEXC paragraphs structure. 2. Write introduction & conclusion 1. General

1. Use TEXC paragraphs structure.
2. Write introduction & conclusion
1. General Information-Your understanding of the topic/question in your own words. (what/why is it important)
2. Thesis – your argument or view point about the topic. [E.g. This essay will argue that]
3. Plan – how will you argue your thesis [E.g. This essay will highlight the problems of before it will move on to look at possible solutions to reduce the effects of]
Linking device ending e.g. Therefore/to conclude / It is clear than…
Rephrase/reaffirm thesis (from introduction)
Sum up (1 sentence: problems/1 sentence: solutions)
Smooth finish/Future (1 sentence: always be positive)
Arrange in Alphabetical order (author’s surname /title/publisher)
2. Use the Harvard referencing Method.
3. Use a consistent punctuation style
4. Do not number each entry.
5. Use a new page at the end of your essay.

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