1. For this Reflection Activity, assume your hard drive is starting to fill up,

1. For this Reflection Activity, assume your hard drive is starting to fill up, and the data is rather disorganized. How can you thin down the data volume, and how can you organize your data on one drive or on multiple drives? As you decide, consider the following questions:
a. How much free space do you need to clear up for best performance? What kinds of files can you delete to help free up space?
b. Your Downloads folder is the “junk drawer” of your hard drive. It fills with random files and is rarely addressed for organization or cleaning out. What can you do to keep this hot spot of random files better organized and clean?
c. Consider using more than one hard drive. One will have Windows files, and the other will hold most of your data. Would a RAID array be a better solution for you? Why? Looking at your computer now, what size and speed requirements would you have when looking for a second drive? What type of files would you keep on the C: drive, and what files would you move to another drive?
d. Research the cost of adding another drive to create a RAID array or to organize and store files you won’t access often. What type of drive did you find, and what is the cost?
part 2
write a paragraph of at least 100 words explaining what you’ve learned about organizing your data. Include information about how to organize data, the types of drives you would use, and the cost to implement your ideal drives.

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