Written Literature Review on Health Heroine Identify a female who has (or is c

Written Literature Review on Health Heroine
Identify a female who has (or is currently) making a positive contribution to Women’s Health.
Write an essay about her life and contributions to the field of Women’s Health.
Include references about her, about the issues she focuses on, or inings written & published by her.
Ideal length: 750 – 1000 word count (about 3 pages).
Use citations (to the references within the body of the paper.
Use good grammar and writing style.
The woman’s name is Nancy Mirian Hawley. Attached are the 5 references I chose to get information on her. You can use whatever information you need as long as you cite it.
1.Nancy Miriam Hawley. (n.d.-a). Jewish Women’s Archive. https://jwa.org/feminism/hawley- nancy-miriam
2. Nancy Miriam Hawley. (n.d.-b). DBpedia. https://dbpedia.org/page/Nancy_Miriam_Hawley 3. OBOS’s History is the History of the Women’s Liberation Movement – Our Bodies Ourselves
Today. (2023, March 22). Our Bodies Ourselves Today. https://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/blog/obos-history-is-the-history-of-the-womens- liberation-movement/
4. Who we are – enlignment. (n.d.). https://www.enlignment.com/about-us/
5.Women’s History Month: The Untold Stories of Public Health Heroines. (n.d.). Power.
https://powertodecide.org/news/womens-history-month-untold-stories-public-health- heroines

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