Write a between three- and four-page (approx. 750 – 1,000 words) essay that exam

Write a between three- and four-page (approx. 750 – 1,000 words) essay that examines literary techniques and issues of journalism ethics seen in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Literary techniques could include but are not limited to plot/structure, scene, dialogue, historical context, point of view, voice, and place; examples of ethical issues include but are not limited to independence, accuracy, and criminal activity. Consult concepts from Telling True Stories to guide your analysis of literary devices and journalistic ethics, or lack thereof, in the book. Provide specific examples and use the citation style of your choice for quotes and other attributable information, just be consistent
I didn’t read the book I would just google stuff online
no plagiarism, this will be ran through turnitin and I will check for it before releasing the money

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